Budgetter - Budget Planer

by wlacu.com



User Guide:Main: Track your Spending, tap it, confirm it when you got the invoice, and the Entry will be marked as done (you can still view it by tapping the sort icon and enabling confirmed entries).Tips:0. The Welcome Steps are made for making sure you get the right Currency, so dont just skip it (although you can change things in the settings)1. to avoid confusion, only track spendings using cards (credit card, EC, Debit etc.)as this Apps main Idea is to avoid forgetting about spendings to avoid surprises.2. If you want to be sure: round up sums that you pay, enter 20$ instead of 19.95$ etc.3. If you forgot something, you can just add/subtract money to correct your numbers.4. Try this app for a week and see for yourself, I am using it since I started working on it, so if there is an issue, I see it myself and will patch the app before you can text me. Do you know that feeling when you paid with your Cardand the Amount never gets withdrawn from your bank account?Until some day it is, but you already forgot about it?This App helps you prevent such situations.Simply track your spendings and income.Budgetter is an expense tracker with a built in Checklist to remind you of open or unconfirmed payments without all the confusing stuff.For example: you paid for food with a credit card and write it down in Budgetter.Later you can see which expenses you didnt cover yet.Once they withdraw the money, you can tap your expense and select "confirm",thats all you have to do!Its even easier if you try!1. Only relevant stuff is shown, payments that have been confirmed are hidden unless you decide to show them too.2. It does not send your data anywhere and only stores it on your device. 3. Enter your expenses quickly and edit them later by just tapping them!4. Its no problem if youve entered something wrong. You can always edit, delete or undo your actions.- How much money do I have left? - Do I have enough money for a shopping trip?- What do I have left to pay for?Just open it up and you will see everything in less than 1 Second.Planning and portable finance booker at once:Just type in the amount you spent or earned and youre done.If needed, you can select if the income or expenses are paid repeatedly and enter a description, which can also contain Emojis!You dont have to pay bookers, or any monthly costs.Everything can be done right after paying when youre shopping for example.Budgetter is designed to be simple and quick to use.Its always easy for you to see how much you have left to spend.Finance apps usually look confusing, or dont have that special feeling to them.Thats why I created Budgetter , a pretty and useful budget calculator.Its aim is to be easy to use and forgiving if you misspelled something.You can always edit your entries by tapping them and tapping on "edit".Why we need permissions for internet?We are monetized by Ads, those are not essential for functionality though, so dont worry, if you have no signal, the App will still work.